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The University of Bamenda
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  • By Web master
  • Installation, Seminar, Training, Director, Women's day
  • Jul 30, 2024

Climate Change Mitigation: Rural Bambui Community Takes Turn.

Residents of Bieh in Bambui, Tubah Sub Division in Mezam Division, in the North West Region of Cameroon have been empowered to contribute in the fight against climate change by abandoning some harmful environmental activities linked to their existence like tree felling, fossil fuel burning and a host of others. This follows the installation of a solar PV system in the community that shall cater for the lighting needs of the community. The benefiting rural community in Bieh, Cameroon, just like elsewhere in the Congo basin countries is prone to the indiscriminate felling of trees for cooking and fuel for lighting, the use of petrol generators, kerosene and other fossil fuels for lighting in rural communities produces carbon dioxide and other green house gasses that contribute greatly to the global warming of the planet

Some project photos showing initiation and handing over to the Fon By Prof Asoh Derek (HOD EEE Department NAPHI)
The PV system in Bieh is one of the outcomes of the project titled artificial intelligence and machine learning for modeling climate change and improving uptake of renewable energy technologies for environmental care in the Congo basin countries implemented in Cameroon by the University of Bamenda with Prof. Derek Ajesam ASOH as principal investigator through a research grant award by the Responsible Artificial Intelligence Network in Africa (RAINCA) Consortium comprising WASCAL, RUFORUM and AKADEMIYA 2063 supported by IDRC.
The project which started in April 2023 and ended in June 2024 has also made important contributions, through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the development of models and maps of climate change variables in the Congo Basin countries during the last fifty years; as well as intellectual development and capacity building in the areas of renewable energy and application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the energy sector. 
The PV System installed in Bieh was commissioned during a ceremony in which inhabitants from all 43 communities of Bambui attended, including the Fon of Bambui, who on behalf of his people, thanked The University of Bamenda and the RAINCA Consortium for project grant, the fruits of which will he noted will serve the community and help in fighting climate change
Responsible ArtificIal Intelligence for Climate Action (RAINCA) - Media-Pictures_-.png 1.23 MB

Thanks to the project, two Masters of Science students, female and male were trained; and who have successfully defended their MSc Dissertations; respectively titled fault diagnosis in PV systems using machine learning algorithms and forecasting of solar PV power in the NW Region of Cameroon using machine learning techniques.

Responsible ArtificIal Intelligence for Climate Action (RAINCA) - Media-Pictures_.png 1.41 MB
At the project closing ceremony held at the University of Bamenda, the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Information and communication technology (DVC-TIC) on behalf of the Vice Chancellor who was unavoidably absent, acknowledged the RAINCA Consortium for the grants funding, and congratulated Prof. ASOH and his team for the successful execution of the project.  DVC TIC further noted that the training through the project contributes in building of the next generation of the Cameroonian and African workforce needed in the field artificial intelligence/machine learning, renewable energy and climate change and encouraged the two Masters students to pursue further training at the doctoral level.
Ending ceremony


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    Ed id interdum urna. Nam ac elit a ante commodo tristique. Duis lacus urna, condimentum a vehicula a, hendrerit ac nisi Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    • AUGUST 6, 2018
    • BY Alebert dos
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      John doe

      Ed id interdum urna. Nam ac elit a ante commodo tristique. Duis lacus urna, condimentum a vehicula a, hendrerit ac nisi Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

      • AUGUST 6, 2018
      • BY Alebert dos
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    Bagun khan

    Ed id interdum urna. Nam ac elit a ante commodo tristique. Duis lacus urna, condimentum a vehicula a, hendrerit ac nisi Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    • AUGUST 6, 2018
    • BY Alebert dos

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